Helping to reach the target of becoming net zero by 2050
How are we helping?
At Titan Energies, the planet is important to us. We must reduce our own environmental impact in everything we do and we are committed to playing our part. Our employees are focused on delivering our strategy to help reach the target of net zero by 2050, while continuing to deliver to the highest standard.

The SJI™: Slot Jet Isolate
​The SJI™ can reduce your carbon footprint by 66.7 metric tonnes per run over conventional P&A methods.
My Carbon Plan
Titan Energies are proud to have signed up with My Carbon Plan to offset our carbon footprint
As the major source of global emissions, the energy sector holds the key to responding to the world’s climate change. Net zero refers to the balance between the amount of greenhouse gas produced and the amount removed from the atmosphere. We reach net zero when the amount we add is no more than the amount taken away. The UK became the world’s first major economy to set a target of being net zero by 2050
SJI™ the solution to reducing your carbon footprint.
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Our Environmental Plan