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Successful deployment of the first SJI™ offshore run
Case Study
Case Study: SJI- CS-002
Location: North Sea
CNOOC Petroleum Europe Limited had successfully abandoned 3 wells earlier on in the Blackbird/Ettrick P&A campaign with great performance using well established market technology. The challenge was to prove the SJI™ Technology in the 1st well, during the rig’s execution then optimise and carry out continuous improvement over the duration of current and all wells.

The SJI™ was run on the COSL Innovator in the North Sea at well location Ettrick 20/02a-E5 abandonment. The well had previously been abandoned above the reservoir leaving the environmental plugs to complete. The upwards slotting was carried out at 470ft to 465ft and 970ft to 965ft thus allowing communication between the upper and lower slots. After completing the four rows of slots at the desired depths at 0°, 90°, 180° and 270° orientation, the SJI™ tool was changed into flowing mode. This allowed the SJI™ flups to be placed 5ft from the top of the lower slots and thus optimising the cleaning between the 9 5/8” and the 13 3/4“ annular section. Using the rig pumps, 5Obbl Clean pill and circulate clean between the 9 5/8” and the 13 3/4” casing taking returns up the choke and kill lines via the mud gas separator.
Good indication of slotting at surface observed on the weight indicator coupled up with a loss of fluid from the trip tank. The average time for this operation on the 3 earlier wells were 13.83 hrs including the make up and break of the equipment above the rotary. The Slot Jet Isolate (SJI™) carried out exactly the same operation in 10.5 hrs giving a 22% time saving improvement.

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